With the increasng utilization
of solar and wind energy, comes a greater need to store
the energy produced. Since PV panels convert the sun's
radiation directly to electricity, solar panels are only
practical when used with applications where there is an
abundant amount of sunlight. Here at the Energy and
Sustainability Center, research is currently being
conducted to design and implement a hydrogen based energy
storage system for the Off-Grid Zero Emissions Building.
Once installed in the house, this energy storage system
will provide power to the OGZEB during night-time hours or
when the sun's radiation is at a minimum. The plan is to
use the unused electricity from the house during the day
to power an electrolyzer that will split water into
hydrogen and oxygen. The hydrogen thus produced will be
stored in compressed tanks and when needed, will power a
fuel cell stack providing energy for the house when the
solar panels cannot. Since the only by-product of the
hydrogen based energy storage system is water, this
research will not only provide for one of the world's
first hydrogen powered houses, but also serve as a model
for a completely new and green way to power a home.