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The Energy & Sustainability Center (ESC) (formerly SESEC) is set up to address the most challenging energy issues related to the use of alternative energy through the development of innovative solutions for consumers and industry. In particular, the need for energy systems that have much lower emissions of CO2 and other greenhouse materials to the atmosphere is of paramount importance.

This center will help to develop a portfolio of pre-commercial research programs to explore reliable, affordable, safe and clean energy technologies of the future. A key objective of ESC is to encourage future commercial application of the technologies that flow from the research. The center will apply its expertise in technology transfer to make sure that society at large benefits from its research.

ESC will first focus the creativity of faculty and talented students from various universities to develop and carry out research activities that cross-fertilize solutions involving energy and the environment. This is accomplished with the formation of interdisciplinary research groups that focus on problems with long-term payoffs and produce well-trained graduates who can build on their university experience in industry.

ESC will promote industry, government, and academia collaboration and participation in the research activities that will be critical if promising technologies are to move beyond the stage of initial demonstration to commercialization. The center will help bring industry perspectives to research groups to understand real-world barriers that limit technology implementation. The center will also form a consortium of small-scale businesses involved in energy, environment and related fields.